What we do

Social Connections

Social Connections

Our table lead Bernie has been speaking with neighbourhood organizations, community groups and individuals to see if there is interest in organizing a broad based community collaboration on the impact of social isolation to our residents. If you have a passion or interest for the work of this project please email Bernie at bernbrochu@gmail.com

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

A hydroponics project was setup at Kwalikum Secondary School generating a lot of interest. It was agreed that once school returned to “normal” the project will be continued. The Qualicum Questers had a number of speakers teaching varied topics on health and healing. The videos can be found at www.qualicumquesters.com The connection with the Arrowsmith Agricultural Association (AAA) has produced opportunities to provide information on growing your own food garden (can be viewed on AAA's YouTube Channel) and promoting displaying produce at the 2020 Coombs Fall “Virtual” Fair

Food Security

Food Security

“Having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable and nutritious food is a basic human right.” The Food Security Table has been generating ideas to enhance local food security from workshops and videos on traditional food growing and preserving skills, to obtaining funding for larger projects that would foster a vibrant local food system for ourselves, and for future generations in our area. We are excited about the prospect of offering opportunities to local residents to increase their food knowledge and food security. The crucial importance of the Food Security Table was highlighted when the global pandemic hit the planet in 2020. This historical event made it very clear to many that local food is an important aspect of food security. Having a garden, and food jarred, frozen, dehydrated and stored became a really good way to stay home, stay safe, and still nourish ourselves. The problems inherent in a centralized food system, reliance on migrant workers, impacted transportation systems, added to the fact that our food supply chain will continue to be compromised by the effects of climate change means that nurturing new farmers, supporting local farmers, and home gardening and preserving skills become more important than ever.